Monday, July 16, 2007

Why should boys have all the fun....?

Why should boys have all the fun?
If you are aware, as many are, this is the tag line of a bike advertisement.

I have that bike too…
Is it a figment of my imagination or is it really true that I feel absolutely free when I’m on my bike…the very thought of not having to haggle with autowallahs …not having to jostle among sweaty, grimy people…in always overcrowded buses…it is a relief.

I love my bike…it has made me independent…it has shown me new paths (literally and figuratively)...Have you ever noticed the perspective the world takes when you are on the drivers seat…seriously…It is a whole new world you get to see…It does have a load of flip sides…maneuvering the bike out of my office basement parking lot…roadside heroes who think they are God’s gift to women…

Remember the rains last week…though it took an hour and a half to traverse the distance of 7 kilometers to my house…it was worth it.
I was dripping wet…my glasses were fogged ( BTW, I would give half my pay to some one who would find some means to stop glasses getting fogged…wipers …perhaps) yet oddly it was exhilarating.
Rain makes me feel pure, fresh and really clean. I feel I am reborn (tacky as it may sound) every time I get drenched in rain.
There is something soul-touching about rains…it reiterates time and again how insignificant you are.

I wish I could dance around in rain…like a filmi heroine (minus white saris of course) …properly attired (wink…wink) with nary a care in the world.

If I could quote a friend ”Duh!”. I can do this now... today …or better still I have 4 months to properly plan my spontaneous rain-dance…if you wanna join me follow the queue.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Escape by cats whiskers.........

Ever wonder how we outgrew nightmares………..well I haven’t …many out there will probably agree with me when I say “Traffic”. Do you need lessons on survival…our traffic teaches. See that young guy …….on his remodeled Yamaha…..his silencer cut off.
He just passed me by………. well over 70……. only to wait at the traffic light.

Animals some four-legged some two………traipse on the road completely oblivious of the fact that that they are a hazard and nuisance both to themselves and to ME.

Pedestrians: have you ever wondered why they look away from traffic as they cross the road?

Do the drivers even have a small notion of what yield and merge is?
Indicators on our vehicles are just for show………no one uses them…..and even if they do it is either too late or it is a malfunction……….happily winking at you from a distance..

Did you know that cycles are extensions of our bodies…………cyclists cross all lines yellow, white you name it. They don’t follow any rules…..they cross along with pedestrians, enter No entry, pedal merrily on the wrong side of the road ………they are a law unto themselves.

Another interesting phenomenon to notice on our roads will be old men driving old cars and older scooters. They ride along happily……… a notch under 30 completely oblivious of the fact that others have deadlines to keep.

Traffic is at its chaotic best during peak hours………vehicles turn every which way ……..horns blare………tires screech…………share autos strike their own path ………..water lorries run amok brakeless………….and I in my cocooned comfort of my helmeted head pray to all Gods to save me from these mad drivers.

Touch wood…… nicks or scratches………no bumps……….but loads of acrobatic stunts………escaping saliva projectile from buses………missing autos by nanoinches ………swerving around potholes and poop………bravely overtaking water lorries……..well I call this a Formula 4 adventure sport.
It would surely send your pulses racing………only to start all over again the next day.

What is there to crib about........?

I don’t know what is there to crib about ………summer in Chennai is really beautiful. Walk along any market area you can always find mounds of fruits….No…im not talking about Kiwi or granny Smith but the good old melons. Juicy, red and sweet ............are there any adjectives to describe their taste…it is an instant thirst quencher……succulent and as filling as mothers love.

Mangoes………..well people have written loads about it.I'm not going to expound on it but the very smell of mangoes bring a flood of memories…………happy, sad, of school holidays and care-free fun.

Yeah…baby cucumbers………raw mangoes………palm fruit……..tender coconut water when else can you enjoy the bounty of mother nature if there is no summer.

Call me a summer lover…call me crazy but you have to appreciate this season……..It is hot, stifling ,sweaty and smelly but nothing can match the pleasure of eating a whole mango.
Summer holidays were never complete without sights of children (some adults too) with sticky fingers and mango stained mouths.

Come July all this slowly start to fade away replaced by an even better season our monsoon. Everything is washed by the rains…the world looks clean, pure like a freshly bathed baby.

Though nothing can match the beauty of summer nights under the stars this season has its own
treats….more on my next meeting.

Monday, June 4, 2007


Nothing seems to be the same anymore..............small things i used to take for granted .......... morning coffee with my newspaper...(my mom yelling in the background).....late evenings spent lying under the stars.......snuggled sleep under warm blankets till late..........( again my mom yelling in the bg) .Today everything is rushed i dont have time for morning papers...i cant enjoy my coffeee.....though i long to i dont manage to sleep.What is my problem?Has responsibilities bogged me down or do i feel the other wifely duties are more important than my so called ramblings and musings....Im caught inbetween 2 worlds.......... i love my job but am i neglecting my family?There is this guilty pleasure of doing what you are passionate about....not to mention the financial high....Life has turned too monotonous its no longer as colorful as i envisaged it to be.But it still has given me a host of little things im thankful of new friends,new found freedom and newer i say "Thank God for small Mercies".
by Nirmala
5:22:00 AM
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